The Service
The Service
Urban public transport serves the city of Brescia and 14 surrounding municipalities (Borgosatollo, Botticino, Bovezzo, Caino, Castel Mella, Cellatica, Collebeato, Concesio, Flero, Gussago, Nave, Poncarale, Rezzato, Roncadelle) using 16 lines, 17 during the summer. The service is available 365 days a year, with partial suspension on 25 December, 1 May, and on Easter Sunday, when the service ends at 12:30 pm. Winter service begins the first week of September and ends the first week of June, coinciding with the duration of the school calendar. Summer service starts after the end of the school year and runs until August 15, when the "Deep Summer" service begins.
Daily service varies depending on the lines and specific day covering different time spans:
- About 19 hours on weekdays, beginning at 5:00 am and ending around 12:00 midnight.
- About 18 hours on holidays/Sundays, beginning at 6:00 am and ending at 12:00 midnight.
The public transport system is run by Brescia Trasporti SpA, heir to the ASM Transport Division and part of the Brescia Mobilità Group from its establishment, and is carried out on the basis of the Service Contract stipulated in 2004 between the City of Brescia and the Associazione Temporanea di Imprese (ATI) led by: Brescia Trasporti SpA (parent company) with SIA - Società Italiana Autoservizi S.p.A. and AGI - Auto Guidovie Italiane S.p.A.
Road transportation provided includes specialised school and coach bus services. "Specialised schools" is the transportation service for students that is annually commissioned by municipalities and/or the individual schools. "Coach Bus" is the bus hiring service with driver for national and international travel that is done with modern coach buses, and is characterised by the high quality of vehicles, the professionalism of the drivers, full compliance with safety regulations and the utmost care in the relationship with the customer.
Desenzano del Garda
Since 2 April 2012 Brescia Trasporti has managed the urban public transport service of the municipality of Desenzano del Garda, which consists in three lines (Line 1 Green, Line 2 Blue and Line 3 Red), to which another is added for holidays and Sundays.
For all the details on the Desenzano del Garda transport service click here.