Supplier Accreditation
Supplier Accreditation
This section is for all those entities wanting to become accredited suppliers of the Brescia Mobilità Group. Below is listed the information you need to provide to register for our platform and to be added to our electronic registry:
Exploratory alert for attorneys
Available Documents and Forms:
- NOTICE TO ALL SUPPLIERS: provisions regarding the institution of an AVCPASS system for verification of participation criteria for procurement procedures
- General conditions of supply of the Brescia Mobilità group
- Form A1) Declaration for participation in procurement procedures Mod.
- Form A3) Declaration in lieu of Chamber of Commerce registration certificates and data for anti-Mafia documentation
- Form A4) Declaration of cohabiting relatives and outline of anti-Mafia controls
- Form Application for subcontractor authorisation
- Form B) Self-certification requirements as per Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008
DUVRI (Single document on the assessment of risk from interference) of the companies of the Brescia Mobilità Group:
-Brescia Mobilita spa - DUVRI
- Brescia Trasporti spa - DUVRI
- Metro Brescia srl - DUVRI rev. 0 dated 01.03.2013
- Brescia Mobilità Group DUVRI acceptance form
Emergency plans for the Brescia Mobilità Group:
- Emergency plan for Brescia Mobilità facility
- Emergency plan for Brescia Trasporti facility
- Emergency plan for Metro Brescia facility
Company Policy
- Brescia Mobilità Company Policy
- Brescia Trasporti Company Policy
- Metro Brescia Company Policy
Full disclosure pursuant to art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 30.06.2003, no. 196 "Code on personal data protection" can be downloaded here